Frequently Asked Questions

What else can I do to help?
  • Make a pledge
  • Tell your friends to make a pledge, via social media and in person. Explain to them why it is important to show Joycelyn that she has options beyond her abuser and share why it is important to you personally to take a stand against domestic violence.
  • Look at the Resources page and watch all 10 YouTube videos about the Power and Control Wheel. This will help you be able to spot domestic violence and abusive tactics in your own neighborhoods and homes.
  • Make a donation to the National Domestic Hotline and/or this website.
  • Tweet your favorite public figures and encourage them to make a pledge #forjoycelynsavage.
  • Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Use the #forjoycelynsavage hashtag on all your social media and post about your pledge.
  • Check out the #muterkelly movement, led by Kenyette Barnes and Oronike Odeleye in Atlanta, and the #droprkelly movement.
  • Protest, either in person, or by petition, R. Kelly’s 5 remaining concerts (many of his other tour stops were cancelled).
    • August 25, 2017 – Atlanta, Georgia – Wolf Creek Amphitheatre.  5420 capacity. Check out the protest page here. (we are not involved in the planning, simply passing along the information)
    • August 26, 2017 – Birmingham, Alabama - Oak Mountain Amphitheatre.  10,500 capacity.  (no protest or petition announced – contact us if you know of one or you’re starting one)
    • August 27, 2017 – Memphis,  Tennessee - FedEx Forum.  18,119 capacity.  Note: Robert Kelly is scheduled to perform with Tyrese and Monica.  (no protest or petition announced – contact us if you know of one or you’re starting one)
    • October 5, 2017 – Las Vegas, Nevada - The Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel.  4,000 capacity.  (no protest or petition announced – contact us if you know of one or you’re starting one)
    • October 8, 2017 – Ontario, California – Citizens Business Bank Arena.  11,089 capacity.  (no protest or petition announced – contact us if you know of one or you’re starting one)
    • See what supplies and support your local women’s shelter needs.
  • Send your no-longer-wanted cosmetics to Project Beauty Share, they will sanitize them and distribute them to domestic violence shelters.
  • Brainstorm your own way to help, using your own strengths and particular superpowers. This can be fun!
  • Donate your old phone to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
I want to pledge, but I don’t know what goods or service I can offer — help!

Think of what you would do for a friend in need, or what is really fun and healing for you when you need a break and need to feel better. You can offer a tour of your hometown, whether you live in Barcelona, Spain or Waco, Texas, or on a rural farm — there’s something new for Joycelyn to see that you are an expert on! Or browse existing pleasures to see if one inspires you.

Think of the 5 love languages and see if you can come up with a gift that falls under the 5 categories:

  • Acts of Service
  • Words of Affirmation
  • Receiving Gifts
  • Quality Time
  • Physical Touch (can be a hug!)

Or, check out this chart of needs and see where you can fill in a need:

Continuum of Caring
Joycelyn said in a video that she is OK and we ought to leave her alone — so shouldn’t we stop this website?

We are not forcing Joycelyn to leave, merely offering her resources should she decide to leave. When you are trapped in a controlling, abusive relationship it can be difficult or impossible to remember that there are other options beyond the world of the abuser. This site aims to address that void and show Joycelyn that there are is a wealth of options and love and support waiting for her, provided by us, the pledgers.

Additionally, when asked in the videos by a reporter where she was and whether she was allowed to leave, she said she could not speak on that – these are not the signs of a free woman making her own choices.

Can Joycelyn actually see this website?

We will endeavor to find ways to inform her of it. Unfortunately her cell phone use is strictly monitored by Robert Kelly. We do not know if she is allowed to visit certain sites. We hope she learns of this site, and can also find the link on our Resources page for DIY Cybersecurity.

Why isn’t Robert Kelly being held responsible for his actions? Why was he allowed to get away with it?

See The Powerful Man Loophole in the Resources and how Institutions and Culture allow him special privileges that he abuses.

Additionally, consider this statement by Jim DeRegotis, who has been covering Robert Kelly’s music and atrocities for almost 2 decades:

The saddest fact I’ve learned is: Nobody matters less to our society than young black women. Nobody. They have any complaint about the way they are treated: They are “bitches, hos, and gold-diggers,” plain and simple. Kelly never misbehaved with a single white girl who sued him or that we know of. Mark Anthony Neal, the African-American scholar, makes this point : one white girl in Winnetka and the story would have been different. No, it was young black girls and all of them settled. They settled because they felt they could get no justice whatsoever. They didn’t have a chance.

This echoes Malcolm X’s excerpt from his speech “Who taught you to hate yourself?” This most disrespected woman in America, is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America, is the black woman.

Where is Joycelyn being held?

Censored Address

For several months she was held at Robert Kelly’s rented “guest house.” However, this facility has since been closed. The guest house is 2.2 miles away from his rented mansion.

Robert Kelly rents this mansion outside of Atlanta, Georgia.

401 N Wabash Ave, Chicago, IL 60611

Joycelyn’s family believes that she is currently being held in Chicago. It’s been reported several times that Robert Kelly lives in Trump Tower in Chicago.

320 West Ohio Street, Chicago, IL 60654

Robert Kelly’s current recording studio. He has been evicted, but has not yet seemed to move out.
At previous studios, Robert Kelly had, “closets full of clothes there, a bed, a refrigerator, a big-screen TV, a shower, the whole works. You would think it was a mini apartment,” says Lisa Van Allen, a former victim of Robert Kelly who lived with him at the studio and a hotel.

Other Chicago places that Robert Kelly frequents (though he might not bring Joycelyn with him as it seems she rarely leaves her assigned room):

Biggs Cigar Mansion Chicago

Biggs Mansion Cigar Lounge | 1150 N Dearborn St, Chicago, IL 60610

Robert Kelly likes to come here (see his GQ interview)

Rock N Roll McDonald's Chicago

Rock n’ Roll McDonald’s | 600 N Clark St, Chicago, IL 60610

It’s well documented that Robert Kelly likes to go to McDonald’s.

Weren’t R. Kelly’s concerts cancelled?

Yes, many of his concerts were cancelled due to poor ticket sales, however, there are 4 remaining, and 1 in Ontario, CA that may have been recently added because of the cancelled Los Angeles concert.

These are the remaining concerts and the ticket sales (blue is available):

Wolf Creek Amphitheatre, Atlanta, Georgia | 5420 capacity | August 25, 2017 at 8:00pm

Robert Kelly will likely spend the night at his rented mansion at 405 Old Homestead Trail, Duluth, Georgia. Seating chart is from 10 days before the concert.

Oak Mountain Amphitheatre, Birmingham, Alabama | 10,500 capacity | August 26, 2017 at 8:00pm

Seating chart is from 11 days before the concert – there are a LOT of seats left empty. Blue dots are available tickets for sale. Pink dots are returned tickets that are available for sale.

FedEx Forum, Memphis Tennessee | 18,119 capacity | August 27, 2017 at 7:00pm

Details: R. Kelly, Tyrese, Monica. Seating chart is from 12 days before the concert.

The Joint — Hard Rock Las Vegas, Nevada | 4000 capacity | October 5, 2017 at 8:00pm

Seating chart as of Aug 15

Ontario, California — Citizens Business Bank Arena| 11,089 capacity | October 8, 2017

Seating chart as of Aug 15.